Advance Journal Of Medical And Allied Health Science (AJMAHS), is a medical, dental, basic, and allied health sciences; being published since 2023. It is an open-access journal, which was initially quaternary. Each issue of the journal is focused on publishing various categories of research papers and articles focused on latest advances in the field of medical, dental, and allied health sciences with an aim to provide most recent information to the medical health professionals.

All papers undergo a double-blind peer review system of national and international peer reviewers according to the international standards. The journal also aims to provide a platform for the publication of standard quality research articles on recent advances. Manuscripts on the burning topics in the fields of medicine, dentistry, basic, and allied health sciences including nursing, physiotherapy, pharmacy, and other relevant health professional fields are invited. Authors are encouraged to submit all the manuscripts in accordance with the guidelines of the journals and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The journal promotes authors to focus on the health and medical issues of developing and underdeveloped countries to highlight the issues.